Friday, October 23, 2009

I can't See A Rainbow, can't see a rainbow now...

My apologizes for missing out last Friday, had fun things to do. But I'm back now. Its been an interesting three months for me I must say. I'm now 're-discovering myself' as it were. I'm currently in Durban right now. Its been a hot and cold move. Real hot but real cold at times so the two cancel each other out making it alright.

But what I found most interesting is that I have a 14 year old neighbor who's basically a pot head. Boy smokes weed everyday, at 14? That's like premature inhalation right there. To make it worse the child in him comes out every time he gets high. Came by my place the other day blown senseless giggling and stuff with his best friend (another pot head of 17 years of age who started at 16 but taught the 14 year old at 13.) They say choose yours friends wisely but they never mention that we don't get to choose...

I digress. As I was saying, this boy comes to my spot blown and proceeds to play chikudo (monkey games) with his friend chasing each other around and shit, only to smash right through my door. Came out of my room to find my door shattered into little pieces. If you watch South Park you should be remembering what Mr. Mckay would say right now... "MMMDrugs are bad kids. Don't do drugs." The 14 year old is indian and his friend white, now they obviously watch too much TV cause I'm now like their gansta black guy, who's house is the chill pad after school. Like I could easily tell these guys that we some kinda gang and we should start robbing people and as high as they usually are that would sound like a really great idea. They've already asked me if I rap? Like jeez MTV has power man, talk about stereotyping... lol

America and South Africa are one in the same I tell you. People actually live in little bubbles and can't imagine a world bigger then their own borders actually having tared roads... I'm at the edge of my seat here, fully expanded and ready to blow up and educate these people. never thought I'd actually misss Botswana. But I do.

Got a new aquaintance, real sweet girl, great mind and really intelligent. She is a white South African. We in the same class and often debate about issues and such, but it seems that to her everywhere where black people in South Africa have moved in and or have become the dominant population is dirty. The beach is now dirty, the universities are now dirty too. Her statements are completely innocent and ring true on many levels. All I know is this place has a long way to go till it really is a rainbow nation, cause as it is the colours aren'ton this rainbow are pretty disjointed and pointing fingers at everyone else. So I asked her, if she realised that the "dirt" was as a result of the fact that during apartheid the black people were stacked in reserves (locations) with poor basic services and that dirt to them was part of life and suddenly they have to handle the countries outlook you can expect standards to fall. The conversation ended abruptly and we began to talk about ice cream.

Can't wait for 2010

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!the conversation ended abruptly...hahahahahaha!!!! :)
