Friday, October 23, 2009

Cool name dude...?

So I came to the realization that I never did explain the reason why I entitled this blog "Sitting While Standing." I would assume it was obvious but since so many people are curious i might as well explain. I named that cause it sounds good... simple as that. Not to mention the fact that I can't help but notice that my age contemporaries spend a lot of valuable time trying their hard earned best to do the impossible. Hence, sitting while standing. So much time and effort spent trying to be other then they really are and more so do the impossible.

For example, 19 year olds running around buying bling, dolling themselves up in the latest designer wear and doing doughnuts in their daddy's Benz all so that they can be like the stars they see on TV and the little brats don't even got a bank account. Women wearing high heels and stiletos to class all day, buying large amounts of make up and applying the same quantity trying, once again to be like the women in the magazines. People, take it from me, I know whats invovled in television production and magazines...aint no way in hell any of us will ever look like those people on a daily basis. I can make a 60kg woman loose 20kg with the stroke of my mouse, redefine your hairline and make anyone look ten years younger. Heck I can turn Wesley Snipes into a whiteperson if I got that bored as to even try it. As for the lifestyles the "stars" live. In order to sell you have to look like someone worth buying. Record labels put a lot of time and effort and money making sure that happens. But the reality is far from the Television screen.

So don't bother trying more then you feel comfortable with trying to compensate for what god gave you. You might as well attempt "Sitting while Standing." Chances of success are the same, and frankly you'll be just as tired at the end of it.

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