Friday, October 9, 2009

"Maxwell Silver Hammer came down on his head..."

Welcome to "Sitting While Standing..."

Always wanted to write a blog and share ideas and the rest of that kinda stuff. Finally received the inspiration to do it when a close friend took the reigns and started her own blog. So why not start my own i say... Thank you, you know who you are.

Every day of my life something or someone happens to me. It's not always a big thing worth world wide coverage but it is big enough to get me asking questions, and some of the time answering them. And that is what I'm going to try and share with you. It could be political, it could be just a little life issue. It could be anything i choose it to be about hence the warning screen before you enter the blog.

Oh ya, and I'll try and keep it short. Long is boring... have fun.

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