Friday, October 9, 2009

I wonder if they got silicon abs?

I don't really watch television much but I was watching this show the other day, called "Skin Deep" or something like that. There was this 16 year old girl with insecurity issues bout the cellulite on her ass and how small her tits were. Alrighty then... moving on, TV being TV this show offers to help this young misguided lady who didn't look half bad in a bikini, and they offer to pay for the breast enhancement, technical term for fake boobs, and they will also pay for the lipo. Guess waiting till she was 20 and naturally shedding of the baby fat was more then she could handle huh. Never mind the multiple risks involved with the operation.

So I got to thinking... what if men had the mentality of women? Cause almost all women would jump at an opportunity to modify their bodies regardless of how hot she may be.

Like I wonder if they do bicep implants nowadays. Then I wouldn't have to go to the gym. And that money I've been saving up to start my company, I could use that to get my abs done too. Can I get my voice box tweaked to sound like Barry White? And get my hair tinted with grey coz I heard older men are very Kiss my ass.( Could do with some botox there too. hahaha)

Like seriously whats the point of all this insanity. Join a gym! Its cheaper. And as for getting bigger breast or turning your ass into a J Lo carbon copy... heish. No one's perfect.

I have to say all these cosmetic enhancements' popularity are a result of the "ho" persona now required of women in order for a woman to be seen as sexy or independent. Don't tell me you doing it for you and your self-esteem. A new wardrobe can fix that easy. Its so that men admire you and that results in higher self-esteem.

Well yall do your thing... yall will get to be single and hot for the rest of your youth, which lasts till about 35 years old anyway, and you can watch all the cellulite women get married off and live happily ever after. Well as happy as one can be on this planet. But that's something else....

1 comment:

  1. lol!Being a desciple of Dr 90210 on the E! channel I know there is actually a procedure that can give u abs,can't remember the official term but its basically lipo-sculpturing,one of these days you might get ur bicep implants....check out my blog too,welcom to the blog world :-)
